Saturday 5 December 2015

Signed, sealed, submitted

I don't even want to think about the length of my absence in here... But that's student life; you have to prioritise. For the past few weeks it's been all about study, study and study so nothing blog-worthy has been going on at least not on a daily basis. I've had two essays to submit and in exactly in a week I have my written exams in marketing and economics. My essays were happily turned in yesterday so I thought I'd do an overview of this whole term (which is almost over!!!!!) before I dive into my own winter wonderland; SCHOOL BOOKS!

Unlike many bloggers, I haven't been doing regular updates every month or so about what school is like and how I've settled in London. To be honest I've completely forgotten to even think about doing that and that's probably because I haven't had a particular "settling in experience". Of course there have been some little things that have required some getting used to; driving on the left side, I love you Brits with all my heart but why?! I never know where to look when Im crossing the road. Tap water tastes different and you cannot get good rye bread here, milk comes in bottles instead of cartons... But I feel like these details are quite small and insignificant and haven't affected my well-being in any way. From day one I've felt perfectly comfortable here so no culture shocks have been dealt with in my case.

School has been so, so, soooo nice! Every day I'm more happy about choosing this particular course. It is a LOT of work to be honest but that's what I came here for. We've had our first higher education group presentations (scored a B!), two essays (1300 words on discounting, 500 words for reflective statement), two exams next week and as a cherry on top independent studying - you should see the size of the reading list. 

This term we had two units. Introduction to study in higher education, which was about giving us the tools needed in academic essay writing, study tips etc. Some of it was somewhat mind-numbing but things like correct citation are essential despite the boredom aspect of them. The other unit, Global fashion industry, gave us an overview of economics and marketing. My dad and my brother can verify that every time (and this happens a lot) our dinner conversations take a not so unexpected turn towards dealing with the global economy, I would pretty much be the last person to participate by throwing in witty and insightful observations about inflation or interest rates. However, I ended up liking economics remarkably more than I was expecting to, which was a positive surprise. Marketing I was looking forward to already before starting and correctly so. I loved how we had a cross-methodical approach to understanding the basics of successful marketing. A combination of theories, models, case studies and real-life examples of how the theory can be applied in practice opened an intriguing portal to another aspect of the fashion industry I was so keen to find more about.

Time has gone by inceribly quickly. If felt like we were just starting and then the next day we were given revision instructions for the exam week. Seven days and the first term is done. It could be described as a tiny bit daunting but I am fairly certain I'll survive. And the idea of the approaching Christmas break is particularly motivating...



  1. Oi miten ihanaa et löysin tän blogin, aivan mahtava ! Kirjotan nyt kyllä suomeks, heh, mutta siis niin. Itse käyn tällä hetkellä lukion kakkosluokkaa, ja tarkoituksena olisi hakea Skotlantiin yliopistoon lukion jälkeen. Oliko hakemusprosessi kuinka vaikea ? Ja kuinka paljon "lomakerumbaa" jouduit käymään läpi ? Entä about kuinka paljon hakemiseen ymsyms kului rahaa ? :) Kiitos erittäin paljon, jos jaksat vastata !

    1. Kiitti paljon kommentista :D Hakemiseen ei mee kovinkaan paljon rahaa. UCAS hakumaksu muistaakseni 12 puntaa jos haet yhteen oppilaitokseen ja suunnilleen 30 puntaa jos haet useampaan. YO-todistuksesta pitää tilata englanninkielinen käännös, johon meni suunnilleen 30 euroa. Yksi isompi menoerä oli IELTS engalnnin tasokoe, joka vie tililtä noin 230 €...

      Lomakkeiden kanssa oli aika paljon säätämistä. Ite hain opintolainaa Student Loans Companylta ja se oli ehdottomasti isoin urakka. Muuten kaikki todistusten käännättämiset ja passikopion notarisoinnit yms aiheutti vähän lisähommia, mutta siitäkin selviää^^

      Hakuprosessi ei sinänsä ollu vaikea, kriittisintä siinä oli sen Personal Statementin kirjoittaminen. Mulla ei ollut haastattelua tai pääsykokeita ollenkaan, joten se saattaa tutkinnosta riippuen hankaloittaa vähän lisää. Jos sun toivekoulu järjestää tutustumispäiviä (open days) ja sulla on mahdollisuus mennä, niin suosittelen!

      Tosi paljon tsemppiä hakemiseen ja laita vaan lisää kysymyksiä, jos tulee mielee. :D

      Muutama aiempi postaus nimenomaan hakemisesta, säätämisesta ja personal statementista :
