Thursday 15 October 2015

Getting smarter and older

As I sat down just now I realised it has been exactly two weeks since I actually started my course so I thought I should reflect on the past half of a month. 

There's quite a lot to do already to be honest. And that is a fact which makes me very happy since that is what I'm here for. We were given all the assignments for this term straight away and that was overwhelming at first, but many of them are due later towards the end of the term. I quite prefer to have essay topics I can perfect and think about for a longer period of time and have lifechanging epiphanies as I go along learning more. 

Now that I think about it I have no idea if I have exactly explained what I'm even studying. My new school is London College of Fashion, which is a part of (one of) the largest art-centered universities in Europe called UAL (=University of the Arts London). My course is named MSc International Fashion Management. This course is a new-ish thing called integrated masters, which means in four or five years depending on whether we want to do a year of work placement we go straight to having a master's degree instead of doing a separate bachelor degree first. Basically the course teaches us everything we need to know to operate a profitable fashion business. Piece of cake...

It has been only two weeks and all 50-60 students on this course myself included are still getting used to everything, but I am extremely excited about my studies. There's still a large amount of new information given us every day, and I am still a tiny bit confused about everything but not feeling lost. Everyone here - teachers and tutors as well as my coursemates - are very caring and helpful, so I'm in no way panicing or otherwise freaking out. I'll get the hang of it just like everyone else.


Just a random update (I didn't want to make a separate post just for this so I'll just splash it here) from last Tuesday. I turned 19! My last year as a teenager has officially begun. It was also my first birthday away from home but thanks to my amazing flatmates it was one of the best ones I've ever had. 
In the evening of the 12th I was told not to go to bed before midnight. At 00.00 I was taken to the kitchen where my friends had brought cupcakes and candles and they sang "Happy Birthday". The next evening we headed to Ministry of Sound and lucky for us there was a UV rave with glowsticks and all that jazz. At 4.30 the next morning when I got to bed (thank God no classes on Wednesdays) I was very tired but equally happy. 

This was attached to my door

A B-Day present from my Finnish friend. She knows me so well <3



  1. Hei myöhäiset synttärionnittelut! Ai että, tulee kaipuu Lontooseen, kun katselee näitä sun kuvia. Sinne on kyllä pakko päästä joskus uudestaan :-)

    1. Kiitos paljon ^^ On tää vaan ihan mahtava paikka, ikinä ei kyllästy :D

  2. I really like your writing and I'm also Finnish but write a fairly new blog in English so I was wondering, would you be interested in doing a guest post for each other? (: you should check out my blog at the address below and then contact me ( if you're interested! (:

    1. Wow this was a nice surprise :D I really liked your blog too and I'd love to collab. I'll email you so we can work out the details :D
